
2019 Algorithmic Framework for Approximate Matching Under Bounded Edits with Applications to Sequence Analysis Prof. Sharma V. Thankachan, University of Central Florida, 2019.10.29 Avoiding Overlaps in Pictures Prof. Dora Giammarresi, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 2019.09.10 2-Connectivity in Directed Graphs Prof. Giuseppe F. Italiano, LUISS University, 2019.09.10 Faithful Visual Analytics of Big Complex Data Prof. Seok-Hee Hong, University of Sydney, 2019.05.09 2018 The Index and the Finger Prof. Amihood Amir, Bar-Ilan University, 2018.11.28 Locating All Maximal Approximate Runs in a String Prof. Gad M. Landau, University of Haifa, 2018.11.26 Perpetual maintenance of machines with different attendance urgency factors Prof. Leszek A Gasieniec, University of Liverpool, 2018.11.02 Taming Subgraph Isomorphism for RDF Query Processing Prof. Wook-Shin Han, Pohang University of Science and Technology, 2018.04.06 2017 New Quality Metrics for Graph Visualisation Prof. Seok-Hee Hong, University of Sydney, 2017.01.09 2016 Holistic Approach to Cloud Data Centre Efficiency Dr. Young Choon Lee, Department of Computing, Macquarie University, 2016.07.22 Indexing by Kernelization Dr. Simon J. Puglisi, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, 2016.03.21 Lempel-Ziv Decoding in External Memory Dr. Simon J. Puglisi, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, 2016.03.21 2015 Integrated Analysis of Mutual Exclusivity and Gene Interactions in Pan-Cancer Dr. Yoo-Ah Kim, NCBI, 2015.08.06 Beyond Planarity: Algorithmics for Sparse Non-Planar Graphs Prof. Seok-Hee Hong, University of Sydney , 2015.05.11 2014 Deterministic Fully Dynamic Data Structures for Vertex Cover and Matching Prof. Giuseppe F. Italiano, University of Roma “Tor Vergata” , 2014.12.19 Succinct data Structures for Representing Equivalence Classes Prof. J. Ian Munro, University of Waterloo, 2014.12.12 Georgia Tech’s new Online MOOC based Master Program Prof. Zvi Galil, Dean of College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014.08.07 Shape Matching – How much do they resemble each other? Prof. 안희갑, POSTECH, 2014.05.23 Efficient Implementation of NTRU Cryptosystem Using Sliding Window Methods 김정우, 삼성전자, 2014.05.12 Constant-Time Word-Size String-Matching and Packed String-Matching Prof. Danny Breslauer, University of Haifa, Isreal, 2014.05.07 2013 Suffix Array of Alignment Prof. Thierry Lecroq, University of Rouen, France, 2013.11.06 Monoisotopic Mass Determination Algorithm for Selenocysteine-Containing Polypeptides from Mass Spectrometric Data Based on Theoretical Modeling of Isotopic Peak Intensity Ratios Jin Wook Kim, Medical Information Center, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, 2013.05.03 2012 On Exact Algorithms for Ordering CSP Eunjung Kim, CNRS, 2012.10.17 Near real-time suffix tree construction via the fringe marked ancestor problem Prof. Danny Breslauer, University of Haifa, Israel, 2012.10.09 Algorithms on Grammar-Compressed Strings Prof. Gad Landau, University of Haifa, Israel, 2012.05.11 Length Reduction in Binary Transforms Prof. Amihood Amir, Bar-Ilan University and Johns Hopkins University, 2012.05.09 Recent Advances in Straight-line Graph Drawing: Extending Steinitz’s Theorem, Fary’s Theorem and Tutte’s Barycenter Theorem Prof. Seok-Hee Hong,University of Sydney, 2012.01.03 2011 Improving Christofides’ Algorithm for the s-t Path TSP Hyung-Chan An,Cornell University, 2011.12.21 BiTR: Built-in Tamper Resilience Seung Geol Choi, University of Maryland, 2011.12.19 Vertex-minors, Monadic Second-Order Logic, and a Conjecture by Seese Prof. Sang-il Oum, KAIST, 2011.10.18 DynMap: mapping short reads to multiple closely-related genomes Prof. Costas S. Iliopoulos, King’s College London, 2011.09.28 Algorithms for identifying periodic structures Dr. Solon P. Pissis, King’s College London, 2011.09.28 Fast Clustering using MapReduce Sungjin Im, Univ. of Illinois, 2011.09.21 An empirical evaluation of extendible arrays Prof. Rajeev Raman, Univ. of Leicester, 2011.05.18 Finding the longest common nonsuperstring in linear time 인하대 심정섭 교수, 2011.01.21 Random graphs and population genetics Dr. Laxmi Parida, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, 2011.01.10 2010 Public Key Cryptosystems with Evolving Keys Prof. Matt Franklin, U. C. Davis, 2010.12.13 Algorithmic Aspects of Secure Computation and Communication Prof. Matt Franklin, U. C. Davis, 2010.12.13 Addressing Insider Threats to Data Integrity Prof. Marianne Winslett, Univ. of Illinois, 2010.11.23 REAL: REad ALigner is an efficient short-read mapping tool Prof. Costas S. Iliopoulos, King’s College London, 2010.10.06 An algorithm for mapping short reads to a dynamically changing genomic sequence Prof. Costas S. Iliopoulos, King’s College London, 2010.10.05 Mitigation of Decentralized Advanced Multi-tiered Botnets ByungHoon Kang, Charlotte UNC, 2010.06.11 이동통신망 소형기지국 보안 삼성전자 김이용 박사, 2010.05.15 Mining Sequential Patterns from Probabilistic Databases Prof. Rajeev Raman, Univ. of Leicester, 2010.03.29 Optimal Trade-Off for Succinct String Indexes Prof. Rajeev Raman, Univ. of Leicester, 2010.03.19 한글기반의 인터넷 비속어 처리 방법 부산대 조환규 교수, 2010.02.23 A special case of Katz Status Index 건국대 김성렬 교수, 2010.01.19 Improved Algorithms for Finding Consistent Superstrings based on a New Graph Model 인하대 김진욱 박사, 2010.01.13 Visual Analysis of Large and Complex Networks Prof. Seok-Hee Hong, Univ. of Sydney, 2010.01.07 2009 Designing Useful Viruses Prof. Steven Skiena, State Univ. of New York, 2009.07.17 News and Blog Analysis with Lydia Prof. Steven Skiena, State Univ. of New York, 2009.07.16 Facets of Information Prof. Wojciech Szpankowski, Purdue Univ., 2009.07.03 Practical implementation of rank/select structures on texts over large alphabets 한양대 이선호 박사, 2009.06.15 Next-Generation Data Security Architectures Dr. Máire O’Neill, Queen’s Univ., 2009.03.02 PageRank와 Katz Status Index의 이론적 비교 건국대 김성렬 교수, 2009.02.17 Overview of Some Tree Edit Distance Metrics and HTML Change Detection HM연구소 김진욱 박사, 2009.02.06 임베디드 보안 시스템을 위한 하드웨어 칩 설계 기술 한양대 김동규 교수, 2009.01.30 Computing consensus of 3 strings that optimizes both radius and sum via hamming distance 한양대 박희진 교수, 2009.01.22 Extending Convex Drawings of Graphs Prof. Seok-Hee Hong, Univ. of Sydney, 2009.01.09 2008 Isotopic Meshing of Singular Algebraic Curves Prof. Chee K. Yap, New York Univ., 2008.07.10 Sequential Kernel Density Approximation and Its Applications to Real-Time Computer Vision Princeton Univ. 한보형 박사, 2008.03.25 Landscapes in Subsequencesland Prof. Alberto Apostolico, Accademia dei Lincei & Univ of Padova & Georgia Tech, 2008.03.06 PageRank Algorithm for Large Scale Graph HM연구소 김진욱 박사, 2008.02.23 Evidence for the Dominance of Technology in Search Engine Market 건국대 김성렬 교수, 2008.02.01 Triconnected component algorithm and its application to the web graph HM연구소 박성수, 2008.01.29 On-line Construction of Two-Dimensional Suffix Trees in Randomized Linear Time 건국대 나중채 박사, 2008.01.25 2007 Soft Edge Coloring and its Application in Wireless Networks Prof.Yoo-Ah Kim, Univ. of Connecticut, 2007.12.17 벤처투자 101 (주)소프트뱅크벤처스 대표 문규학, 2007.05.29 String Similarity Algorithms using the Gap-Penalty Scoring Scheme (주)HM 연구소 김진욱 박사, 2007.03.16 Algorithms for the Maximum Subarray Problem and their Applications Prof. Tadao Takaoka, Univ. of Canterbury, 2007.03.13 A Simple Construction of Two-Dimensional Suffix Trees in Linear Time 인하대 심정섭 교수, 2007.02.22 Recent Research Topics for Constructing Two-dimensional Full-text Index Data Structures 한양대 김동규 교수, 2007.02.09 Faster Filters for Approximate String Matching 건국대 나중채 교수, 2007.01.12 Theory and Practice of Graph Drawing: Visualisation and Analysis of Large and Complex Networks Dr. Seok-Hee Hong, Univ. of Sydney, 2007.01.05 2006 Search Engines, Past, Present, and Future of Technology 건국대 김성렬 교수, 2006.12.28 A randomized algorithm for the fast approximate point set matching problem 한국항공대 이인복 교수, 2006.12.23 Short Traceable Signatures Based on Bilinear Pairings PhD Candidate 최승걸, Columbia Univ. PhD, 2006.10.25 Group Encryption Prof. Moti Yung, Columbia Univ., 2006.08.30 Efficient implementation of NTRU 인하대 이문규 교수, 2006.05.20 Cryptographic 알고리즘의 최적화 서울대 박근수 교수, 2006.03.13 Linear Time Algorithm for the generalised Longest Common Repeat Problem 서울대 이인복 박사, 2006.02.24 2005 Genomic Data Mining Enhanced by Symbolic Manipulation of Boolean Functions Prof. 윤성로, Stanford Univ, 2005.09.05 Kleptographic Attacks: a survey Prof. Moti Yung, Columbia Univ, 2005.08.25 Linear Construction of Suffix Arrays 서울대 박근수 교수, 2005.03.08 2004 Anonyminer: Mining Data from Anonymous Transactions Prof. Moti Yung, Univ. of Columbia , 2004.12.11 유전자 조절 서울대 정구흥 교수, 2004.11.08 Computational Problems in Conserved Gene Cluster Finding 부산대 조환규 교수, 2004.10.08 On Database Performance Study Prof. 문봉기, Univ. of Arizona, 2004.07.02 An Efficient Index Data Structure with the Capabilities of Suffix Trees and Suffix Arrays for Alphabets of Non-Negligible Size 부산대 김동규 교수, 2004.06.05 Computing the Tree of Life: automating phylogenetic inference over all prokaryotic genomes Prof. Mark Ragan, Univ. of Queensland, 2004.04.26 Theory of Real Approximation Prof. Chee Yap, State Univ. of New York, 2004.04.22 Mining the Web: Search Engines Prof. Ricardo Baeza-Yates,Univ. of Chile, 2004.02.17 2003 IPSec 프로토콜과 그 응용 부산대 김동규 교수, 2003.11.14 Predicting protein-protein Interactions using SVM 한국외대 정유진 조교수, 2003.11.10 Sequence data mining 한국전자통신연구원 심정섭 박사, 2003.11.04 Struggling between HBV and host 서울대 박성규 박사, 2003.10.17 Improved scalable hash chain traversal 건국대 김성렬 교수, 2003.10.07 Prediction of protein subcellular locations by support vector machines using compositions of mino acids and amino acid pairs 산업기술종합연구소 박근준 박사, 2003.09.15 Authenticated group Key exchange in constant rounds Moti Yung, Columbia Univ., 2003.08.28 The maximum number of runs in a string Prof. Bill Smyth, McMaster Univ., 2003.07.16 Online LIB problems: heuristics for bin covering and lower bounds for bin packing Prabhu Manyem, Univ. of South Australia, 2003.07.15 Algorithms on Indeterminate strings Prof. Bill Smyth, McMaster Univ., 2003.07.15 Data reservoir, a file sharing facility on long fat pipe network Mary Inaba, Univ. of Tokyo, 2003.07.14 Delay constrained routing in communication networks and heuristics/ approximation schemes Krishnaiya Thulasiraman, Univ. of Oklanoma, 2003.07.11 System biology 을 위한 생물 정보 전달 서울대 정구흥 교수, 2003.06.27 On Kramer-Mesner matrix partitioning conjecture 서울대 노유미 박사, 2003.06.19 Timing attack against Implementation of a parallel algorithm for modular exponentiation Prof. Kouichi Sakurai, Kyushu Univ., 2003.06.11 Bioinformatics for post-sequence era 한국생명공학 허칠구 연구원, 2003.05.30 An efficient parallel algorithm for scheduling interval ordered tasks 한국외대 정유진 조교수, 2003.05.23 Boolean circuit programming: a new paradigm to design parallel algorithm 이화여대 박희진 박사, 2003.05.14 Linear-time construction of suffix arrays 부산대 김동규 조교수, 2003.05.10 일반인을 위한 전산수학 Microsoft Research, 김정한, 2003.03.06 Hybridizations models, DNA cubes, and error-preventing codes for biocomputing Max H. Garzon, Univ. of Memphis, 2003.02.10 An efficient representation of scalars for simultaneous elliptic scalar multiplication Prof. Kouichi Sakurai, Kyushu Univ., 2003.01.22 Information visualisation and graph drawing Prof. Seok-Hee Hong, Univ. of Sydney, 2003.01.09 2002 포스트지놈 시대의 바이오 인포매틱스 한국전자통신연구원 심정섭 박사, 2002.11.30 Family competition evolutionary algorithm approach an protein docking problem Prof. Cheng-Yan Kao, National Taiwan Univ., 2002.11.14 Status of rice genome sequencing program in Korea status of rice genome sequencing program in Korea 농업생명공학연구원 윤웅한 교수, 2002.10.24 LCA problem vs. range minima problem 부산대 김동규 조교수, 2002.10.18 Linear-time algorithms for proximity problem given keyword offsets 건국대 김성렬 박사, 2002.10.15 Prediction of transcription regulatory sites with dependency-reflecting decomposition model (DRDM) (주) 스몰소프트 김기봉 박사, 2002.09.26